How Much Does Professional Residential Window Cleaning Cost?

Windows play a pivotal role in our homes, they let in the sunshine, offer picturesque views, and play a pivotal role in the aesthetic appeal of our homes. Keeping them clean not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your home but also prolongs the lifespan of your windows. But how much does it cost to get them professionally cleaned?

1. Factors Affecting the Cost:

Size and Number of Windows:

The size and number of windows in your home play a significant role in determining the cost. Typically, the cost of cleaning one window ranges from $4 to $11, with an average of $5 per window based on a size of 3 feet by 6 feet (source: HomeAdvisor). The more windows your home has, the higher the cost.

Type of Windows:

Different types of windows require varied cleaning techniques. For instance, double-hung windows with two sashes are more challenging to clean than single-pane windows. The cost can range from $8 to $16 for double-hung windows and $15 to $30 for casement windows (source:

Height and Accessibility:

Windows on higher floors or those that are hard to reach can add to the cost due to the need for special equipment or additional safety measures.

Condition of the Windows:

Extremely dirty windows might require special cleaning solutions or more effort, which can increase the cleaning prices.

Presence of Mineral Deposits:

Hard water contains high amounts of calcium and other substances. These minerals can be extremely difficult to remove and can increase the cost of cleaning to between around $10 and $20 per pane depending on the cleaner (Source:

2. Additional Costs:

Apart from the glass panes, windows consist of other components like sills, tracks, and screens that might also need cleaning. Most window cleaning services might charge extra for these components. For instance, cleaning window sills and tracks can cost around $3-6 per window. Cleaning screens can cost about $2-4 per screen. If you’re looking to cut some costs on your next professional cleaning, washing your own screens can be a good way to save some money. 

3. Average Cost:

The national average for window cleaning is approximately $213. However, the cost can range from $120 to $450 for the entire house, depending on various factors and what additional services are included (Source:

While it might be tempting to clean the windows yourself, hiring professionals ensures that the job is done efficiently and safely, especially for hard-to-reach windows. It's always a good idea to get quotes from multiple service providers to ensure you get the best deal. To get a quote from New View Window Cleaning, just contact us at 425-499-5939 or visit our quick estimate page.

Michael Sims

Hi, I’m Michael and I’m here to give your home a new view. I have been a professional window cleaner for over three years and I know every trick in the book to make cleaning your windows a breeze.


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